What is shingles?

Shingles is a skin complaint caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox - the herpes zoster virus. Shingles occurs as a painful rash on the body and face.

A burning sensation on the skin may be experienced as the rash begins to develop. A few days after pain begins, the patient may become feverish and their lymph glands may become enlarged. When the rash appears, it resembles the chickenpox rash, although it generally covers a smaller area of skin. The rash affects a strip of skin overlying one nerve, most commonly on the trunk. The blisters burst and become sores after another few days. They then take a couple of weeks to scab over. Shingles can cause a change in eating and sleeping habits.

Sometimes, the area that the rash covered becomes tender and painful even after the scabs have healed. The sensation is particularly unpleasant, and is known as post-herpetic neuralgia.

How do you catch shingles?

Shingles is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus. In order to contract the disease, you must have previously come into contact with chickenpox. After a bout of chickenpox, the virus hibernates within the body, like its close family member, the herpes simplex virus (causing cold sores). Shingles occurs when the herpes zoster virus is reactivated, and travels to the skin’s surface.

It is unclear why the virus becomes reactivated, but it seems that an immune deficiency may be a factor. As the efficiency of the immune system declines with age, older people are more likely to develop shingles. Shingles may also follow a stressful episode. Patients who have undergone chemotherapy are also more likely to develop shingles. Shingles can be very stressful to the paitent especially alongside other illness.


I have the cure for shingles, I have been curing shingles since i was 16years old and have had a full sucess rate. The cure i have is by using my breath to blow over the shingles. I have cured thousands of people with shingles.

The cure takes place with 3 visits every 3 days eg(monday, thursday, and sunday)

This is a very special gift i have and i dont abuse it, so there is no fee charged, it is totally up to the person if they want to give me a gift.

you can contact me by mobile or email,

john keogh


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